Monday, May 9, 2011


The last few weeks, I have been truly enjoying my 'atypical' (for me) weekends. Since Cameron and I have been married, every other weekend has been spent at the hospital, usually in the evening, which ruins any weekend plans we may have. At one very low point in my spiritual life, I was working Saturday and Sunday 12-hour days shifts (7a-7p). I am not implying that working this shift causes spiritual deadness, but for me, it was a time in life where I did not feel God's presence or life in my heart.

So, lately, my weekends have been spent serving and loving on my husband, who goes without me the 'other 5 days'. Lots of cookies, fresh-baked bread, and cuddling. And more kissing than we probably did in our whole first 3 years of marriage (before he left for school). Every moment I'm with him, I want to kiss those beautiful lips! Being together is like life again. Right now, I don't feel dead, but I feel like I am missing a big part of 'me'. It's an odd sensation to sort of float through your week. Of course, I see his mom and my family and have meaningful relationships and good conversation, but my other half is missing. And he's not even there when I crawl in bed at night. That is the weirdest.

During nursing school, I didn't see a lot of Cameron, either (except for summers and school breaks), because we were both working. But, I did have him at home with me when we both went to bed. I could talk to him and work through things that were bothering me. I am so thankful for that. And I know this experience will make me even more grateful for the little things in life. Even when we're living in Cheney with no friends or family or anything familiar, I will have my helper.

So, to Cameron, I love you and had a wonderful, relaxing, very real weekend with you! I am praying for you in your classes and the friendships you are developing in Cheney. You are a light and an inspiration for me. Thank you for serving me and loving me in a Christlike way. I am excited for how we are growing together!

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